Struggling to Attract the “Right” Clients?
Wouldn’t It Be Amazing To Work With Your Dream Client?
Identifying Your Ideal Client Is Key To:
Understanding Your Ideal Client Means:
Lets Discover Your Ideal Client…
Client Clarity: Unlocking the Secrets to identifying your ideal client
Is a course that will help you to craft a comprehensive, ideal client profile. Unlike other ideal client courses, Client Clarity was designed specifically for professionals in the wellness field. This means going beyond demographics and client pain-points. In this course, you’ll develop an ideal client profile that suits your experience and preferences, instead of trying to adjust your skillset each new client’s needs.
This Course Is For You If….
This Course Isn’t For You If……
What You Will Learn….
How The Course Is Structured:
Meet Your Instructor
Kris Fleet is a holistic nutritionist with a PhD in Nutrition. She has extensive experience in both community and university-level education.
Kris’s blend of academic, practical, and entrepreneurial experience, provides her with a unique perspective on the specific needs and challenges faced by nutritionists and other health professionals.